Friday, August 15, 2014

Just saying.


this is a very whiny/complaint filled rant. But I'm a woman so naturally I'm allowed to do that every once in a it goes-

If you're a young mother, you feel me when I say this: 

It rrrreeeeaaaallly gets me all hot and bothered when people have the nerve to take time out of their day to walk over to me at the grocery store, or restaurant, or pool, or wherever, to compliment on how adorable Presley is and immediately follow it with this question "Is she yours hun? You look way to young to have a baby!" no no no...they aren't asking me that because they actually think I look young. They are asking me because they're-for a lack of better words-judgmental. 

*eye roll* 

.....uhhhhm yes she is mine and yes, captain obvious, I am young. Most of you are probably reading this and thinking to yourselves "geez chick relax it's a compliment to be called young..." And some people do mean it in a polite way (or at least i think they do) but the real problem I have with it is what 90% of people do next.... 

Take a very quick (very obvious) glance at my hand. My LEFT hand. In search of a ring. And when they see I'm wearing one they look shocked. Presley is 10 months old now and this happens to me almost EVERY time I am out and about with her. Look, before I go any further let me say I am a Christian (a proud one) and I will be the first to admit I did things a little backwards, yes, but I'm no different than you. You are not my competition. And if you're the type to notice a young mothers left hand before anything else (including the little miracle sitting in her shopping basket) well then you'd be in the same boat as me my friend. 

We ALL fall short of the grace of God, people. But don't be so quick to judge because it is not your place. 

Alright that's all... 
Carry on :) 

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