And if you live in West Texas it's ALWAYS allergy season.
My 15 month old has terrible allergies and stays pretty congested. Runny nose, wet cough, waking up in the middle of the night wanting to suck on her binki but can't because she can't breathe through her nose...the whole 9. I used to put children's Zyrtec in her bottle at night time as needed (per instructions from doc) but I have recently discovered a miracle y'all!
It's amazeballs pretty much. It acts like Vicks but without all the harsh chemicals! I diffuse 3 drops of each at night for PK and rub 1 drop of each mixed with coconut oil on her chest and bottom of her feet: morning and night.
You guys I am not a "organic" or "health nut" type of gal. But when it comes to medication I have never been a fan! I hate swallowing pills, hate the side affects and hate that most medicine damages the kidneys in some way. But I LOVE LOVE LOVE knowing that I can help Presley's allergies -n a t u r a l l y-
And this stuff isn't JUST for allergies. There is an oil for literally everything you can think of.
-depression & anxiety
-cold & flu
-fever blisters
-sleep issues
-bug bites
-back pain
(Oils fix it)
That's all folks. ✌️