First off let me start by sharing our experience with co sleeping. We were very blessed to have a baby who was perfectly fine with sleeping on her own. Notice I said 'WAS' fine with sleeping on her own. 'WAS' as in past tense. As long as I rocked her for about 15 minutes into a deep sleep she was totally fine with being layed down in her crib and would sleep there peacefully all night (minus waking up for feedings) until almost 4 months old when she got her first cold. She was so congested poor thing. Every time I layed her flat she would choke on her drainage and it would FREAK ME OUT!!! This lasted about 2 weeks and after the first few sleepless nights I gave in and put her to bed with us.
So 8 months old she continues to sleep with us. I have mixed emotions about it. I know ultimately it's probably best for her and myself to sleep separately- but I've kind of grown fond of having her in bed with me.
Those of you who co sleep will understand me.
Those of you who don't co sleep; don't judge us.
YES- co sleeping is dangerous. You could smother the child.
YES- co sleeping is an awful habit to start. When it's time for them to sleep on their own it's a pain in the rear. In their little minds your bed is THEIR bed. Because that's all they've ever known.
YES- co sleeping is known to increase the risk of depression later on in life.
YES- co sleeping means that when it's time for baby to go to's also time for you to go to bed because they can't fall asleep on their own.
YES- co sleeping decreases baby's ability to self soothe.
YES- I can't sneeze, roll over, stretch out, talk in my sleep, or do basically anything involving even the quietest of noises for fear of waking her up.
BELIEVE ME I am fully aware of all the negative things that come with co sleeping. And I would be lying if I said I'm 100% okay with our current sleeping situation with Presley. Buuuuuuut I'm not NOT okay with it because........
1-As a mom you can't tell me you haven't woken up in the middle of the night in a frantic panic wondering "is the baby still breathing?" Well, I enjoy the convenience of having her in bed with us so that when I wake up in those frantic panics I am immediately reassured by feeling her sweet breath on my face.
2- I'm a sucker for cuddles. And Presley really isn't much of a cuddler but when it comes to bed time she's ready to lay with us :) sometimes she will put her little hand on my face and it melts my heart every time.
3- In my OPINION (yes this is my opinion and you most certainly do not have to agree with it) I think co sleeping is a great way to bond! I feel so close to Presley when we lay down for bed and I know she feels comfortable and safe with us. Which is an awesome feeling.
4- Most people believe co sleeping causes clingy children but there have been a few studies (yes I have actually researched this) that show children who sleep with their parents are actually more independent and thrive better socially because they don't experience any form of separation anxiety...they know no different than constantly having their parents there for them which allows them to trust easily.
5- Co sleeping has also been known to reduce the risk of SIDS. Carbon dioxide exhaled by a parent actually stimulates the baby's breathing.
6- And, obviously, it's e a s y. Especially for mothers who are nursing. On fussy sleepless nights there is no getting up and down, rocking her and laying her back down, making sure she has her binki, listening to them fuss no muss. Just you and your little laying down for bed at night!
Of course I don't want her to sleep with us forever but for now...I'm okay with it. If there is one thing that becoming a parent has taught me it's this: not being so judgmental. At the end of the day it's not about whether or not a baby is breastfeed or bottle fed. Has organic food or Gerber food. Sleeps with their parent or sleeps on their own. It's about what works best for the FAMILY. Us Mommas are not each others competition. We are comrades. So for those of you out there who are in the same sleeping situation as us: cool. For those of you who are not: cool. Whatever works!